convert 5.7 version website on linux server over to windows desktop version

I want to transfer OR convert my current C5 website running on a linux server (VPS) over to a regular windows desktop computer probably setting up my home computer using windows related disk2VHD plus of course Win 10 Pro.

What I want to ultimeately do is operate my internet busn on my local windows server instead of having to rent a VPS.

I have lots of computer to do all this, 2 TB hard drive and 450 GB traffic each month, so lots,
but I do not want to continue renting on a Linux VPS and also have to have a Windows VPS for my software.

Hope U understand my purpose.

Will I need some software to run C5 on my local Computer???

any thoughts welcome

Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
WAMP or XAMPP or the like would do it, although you could install web and database servers separately if you preferred.

Make sure your upload capacity (speed) is large; don't forget that it has to cope with many simultaneous connections.

Security would be my biggest concern.

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