Group Questions - Group Path + Editing UI
Permalink 1 user found helpfulFirst, what's the purpose of the gPath field in the Groups table? It becomes invalid as soon as the name of a parent is changed (such as if the parent group is edited/updated and the name changed). Even more curious, though, is the fact that the getGroupPath() method of the Group object doesn't appear to be invoked anywhere in the codebase, and thus the field appears to be unused. That begs the question, what's its purpose?
Secondly, I'm wondering why the group tree page in the dashboard doesn't allow groups to be freely edited and moved/rearranged by simply dragging them (as can be done for the site map). Instead, to move even a single group, you have to go to a separate page - the Move Multiple Groups page - and first search for and then specify a new parent of the group. That seems really clunky (and unnecessary). Is there a technical reason groups can't be moved (and even renamed) directly on the tree view?