Block-Document Library ** File Folder ** Load Edit
To edit the… *** File Folder *** and how it loads
~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT this Code - Start ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<div class="ccm-tab-content" id="ccm-tab-content-sources">
<div class="form-group">
<?=$form->label('folderID', t('File Folder'))?>
$folders = [0 => '* Any folder'] + iterator_to_array($folders);
echo $form->select('folderID', $folders, empty($folderID) ? 0 : $folderID);
~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT this Code - End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I need to NOT USE the… Database Table = TreeNodes
That the Block is using now to load the Path to the… File Folder
I need the page - Block to load the… File Folder - Path
From the page - Block itself
Path =
I have created Folders in the… File Manager
I need each logged in… User
To see ONLY the files in their… $uName
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Works - Start ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$u = new User();
$me = $u->getUserID();
$ui = UserInfo::getByID($me);
$uName = $ui->getUserName();
// echo $uName;
$u = new \Concrete\Core\User\User();
$groups = $u->getUserGroupObjects();
if(count($groups)) {
foreach($groups as $group) {
$gID = $group->getGroupID();
$gName = $group->getGroupName();
// echo $gName;
The above code works - inserting… '.$gName.'/'.$uName;
Path = '/MCO/'.$gName.'/'.$uName;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Works - End ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Can anyone… Please HELP…???