Blocks for recruitment/job agencies

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Has anyone developed or know of blocks to support the running of a recruitment agency? Or anything in or compatible to C5 to support the building of a site for recruitment

scalait replied on at Permalink Reply
we are currently working on such a block for a customer... I think we'll realease a block on the market place very soon for a acceptable price.
clairec replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi is there any more developments on this please or anything similar being worked on by anyone?
binoy replied on at Permalink Reply
Me too interested in this block.
pvs replied on at Permalink Reply
I made a package of this. I haven't released it to the market place, I will share my code with you guys.. it needs improvement though. I have a nice voting system for the applicants, plus a hashed url for the references to send their reference letters.
binoy replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! Waiting to see it!
pvs replied on at Permalink Reply
I need to finish up a couple of things and its done. Right now, I have the system to collect applicant's records and reference letters and put them together. I don't have it to collect and separate jobs. Everybody is applying for one job. I am going to release a first version and then I will request a list of features--you can send me the list of features on my email to implement and have them ready for next version through update.
Feel free to contact me.
PassionForCreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Very interested in this Block. Does it allow creation of a database of different jobs? I see that your last post says everyone applies for one job at present.

Have you made any progress on this since the last post?
lshcloud replied on at Permalink Reply
We'd definitely be interested in this as well!
lookstechnical replied on at Permalink Reply
i have a package like this on its way. Which will allow you to add vacancies and review applications for each vacancy etc
tobyme replied on at Permalink Reply
hi lookstechnical - have you an estimate of when you'll complete this?? Ive got a job to pitch for and would love to do it in concrete 5 and not joomla?

Any chance you could provide a tentative feature list so we know what your planning. Cheers
lookstechnical replied on at Permalink Reply
I would estimate i will be submitting the add-on within the next 2-3 weeks, depending on other work commitments.

initial Features Summary:

Ability for Recruiters to add vacancies to database and view applications.

Ability for job seekers to view, search and apply for vacancies.

Search by - keyword - location / distance - vacancy type - vacancy category - salary range etc.

Possible future additions - tailored job alerts for job seekers. Any Ideas/ requests?
obaluba replied on at Permalink Reply

Is this due to be released soon? very interested in this block!
lookstechnical replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately things got really busy here and i never got round to finishing this. i do however have some time over the next week, i believe i would be able to complete this and submit it by the end of next week .
shadowcomputers replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds good :)
moody replied on at Permalink Reply
Would be very interested in this as well.
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi any news on this block I have a job that needs it?
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm about to release a beta for a jobs board.

But I'm creating it based on the need for SOMETHING, rather than to a specific spec... so I feel it's going to be a bit too generic.

Can you either post (or PM me) with a basic list of your requirements?

moody replied on at Permalink Reply
Happy to PM you with some basic requirements.
moody replied on at Permalink Reply
Job Poster
1. Create Position
- Job Title
- Location (Country, State, Province, City, Postal Code, Zipe Code)
- Type (Permanent, Temp - Perm. Contract, Temp)
- Job Field (Marketing, sales, ops etc)
- Basic job requirements (ability to cut and paste)
- Specilaized requirements (ability to cut and paste)
- Educational Requirements
- Certification of Licensing Requirements
- Other

2. Modify Position
- Change status from Open (set as default when position published) to filled or cancelled)
- Modify location
- modify type
- modify requirements

3. Delete position (as it implies)

4. Reporting
- ability to list all positions
- by status
- by location

Job Applicant
1. Create profile
- Job Title
- Location (Country, State, Province, City, Postal Code, Zipe Code)
- Type of job searching for (Permanent, Temp - Perm. Contract, Temp)
- Job Field (Marketing, sales, ops etc)
- Upload Resume / CV (ability to cut and paste)
- Specilaized skills (ability to cut and paste)
- Educational qualifications
- type of year degree, school, year graduated
- Certification of Licensing Requirements
- Other

2. Search for Position by
- Job Title
- Location (Country, State, Province, City, Postal Code, Zipe Code)
- Type (Permanent, Temp - Perm. Contract, Temp)
- Job Field (Marketing, sales, ops etc)
- Educational Requirements
- Certifications
- Other

3. Apply for position using profile

4. Reporting
- ability to list all positions
- by status
- by location
- degree requirements
- title etc.

Summary Page
1. # of open jobs
- by country
- by state / province
- by city
- type of job
- field
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Attached is v .8.5 of my jobs package.

I'm planning on smoothing this out a bit and adding some new features, maybe a "related jobs" functionality (i think this requires full-text search, which i'm not very familiar with), but nothing very significant.

I'm also going to try to figure out what direction to go in from here. There seems to be 3 branches for "job posting":

1. Standard job posting block for a company that has 1 to x locations and wants to post jobs for those locations. The job posting and application reviewing is done by one or two people (ie, HR). The person who's looking for a job is interested in working for company x and probably has an idea that a given location is near or far.

2. Something akin to, where the job posting and reviewing is decentralized. There aren't really any "predefined" locations, as each company has 1 - x locations. People looking for jobs care less about a specific company and more about job type and location.

3. Something in between, a recruiter site, where there are still multiple companies, each with their own locations, but the job posting and application review is done by "centralized" people.

The package was created with #1 in mind, but I'm going to try to think of ways to let it work with scenarios 2 and 3.

moody replied on at Permalink Reply
Cool - I'll install today and start providing feedback.
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
Please send a link when its done - thanks Moody
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
This is AWESOME! I have a TREMENDOUS need for this, for multiple clients, but one in particular that is immediate... Are you anywhere closer to a finished product? (I'm ready to shell out the bucks for it!)

I've yet to install this beta, btw, but when I do, I'm happy to collaborate if you need anything. :-)

ThemeGuru replied on at Permalink Reply
Subscribed. Can't wait to see what happens :-)
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
Just an FYI... on, I get this error on install:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getCollectionTypeID() on a non-object in /usr/local/share/concrete5/concrete5.4.1.1/concrete/models/page.php on line 1968

Dunno if that is something you may or may not want to concern yourself with, or if you have any feedback regarding it (like an obvious -- or not so obvious -- way to fix it!)

dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
After that error, which is mostly irrelevant since it DOES install, I do not have any options to edit/add/delete job postings (which I assume would be in the backend somewhere) -- the block to add the job "LISTING" is there, and used it, but, of course, it is blank!

Sorry, if I'm bugging you!!
hshoghi replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there

Wondering if the block that you have developed would work with the latest version of Concrete5?
linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
If there's a requirement for such a package, I can have a go at it. But I'd need full functional specification.
drdanchaz replied on at Permalink Reply
So... did this addon ever happen? Or is someone still working on this? Because it would be great to have this!
dihakz replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd sure love to know, myself!!
RMDWebDesign replied on at Permalink Reply
Yea, im also interested in this. I started building my own system using user attributes but its less than ideal so havepretty much gave up.

Will keep a keen eye on this post!
chassa2556 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have another client who would benefit from this so any update guys. Something of this nature released on the marketplace would be awesome.

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