give me commerce...

could you give us a date?

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
right now we're trying to pack up forums into a add-on, then we're gonna worry about ecommerce. I could make a date up, but that's all it'd be. Rest assured, sooner is better in my mind too.
jincmd replied on at Permalink Reply
as close to a realistic estimate as you could...
Quaro replied on at Permalink Reply
Forums seems like a square peg in a round hole in concrete. You guys have mentioned that installing wordpress on a separate subdomain can be a reasonable solution, as blogs as really their own thing separate from static content. (at least until somebody does a lot of heavy lifting), but a forum seems like a bigger stretch than that.

I could see something very lite -- nice page comments maybe. But a full featured forum? Moderators, access levels, spam protection, banning users, complex search options...

vBulletin, simplemachines -- throw it up on a subdomain.

Not that I'm complaining! A built in forum would be cool. I'm just surprised that of all the things to focus on, you ended up with a Forum over a blog or a store or whatever.
jincmd replied on at Permalink Reply
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply
I just want to speak up from a guy who wants forum over commerce.

But I do understand both of you as well.

I just had to build an ecommerse site with other system for my client.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks katz...

I want both, the reality is we're pretty close on forums and ecommerce has along way to go. forums will be out first, ecommerce will follow, both are important to me.
jincmd replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks franz,,, and katz, for finally getting it out of franz.... commerce will be a while!
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
e-Com would be huge for me. I have several clients that are talking about it, but I would LOVE to wait it out and see what C5 has in mind. keep us posted on timeline. mnythx

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