Homepage of concrete5.org with redirection to others non-english C5 websites
PermalinkI know, this is not really a block request; I didn't know where to put this.
The Homepage of concrete5.org SHOULD HAVE at the top of it a redirection to others non-english C5 websites (Japan, Italian, Spanish, French, German...). It has been suggested a few times in the past and I really think it's a must, to be more accessible for the non-english community.
If you don't agree, it's fine too; BUT you have to do something about this, like having concrete5.org as a multilingual website, accessible for anybody in this small world!
This world is far more richer than an english square; can multilingual people squeeze in please?... It's a way to say to others, we really appreciate your contribution.
(his name is Franz right?)
We're all actively promote C5 in many ways, first of all in gaining users who would never use any CMS at all...
So don't forget us.
Thx Frz
just come to know if some news are beginning to grow about this.
This is one of the last big things we're pondering, how to bring the marketplace, support, and general concrete5.org/site install experience to an international market in a meaningful way. I'm afraid just throwing some links up to 3rd party sites on concrete5.org's home page represents giving up to us at the moment. Don't worry tho, we'll start focusing on this problem over the summer.