Password Generator

I was wondering if there was a password generator that could be added to registration forms for C5 sites.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
there are several ways to do it, but you would have to modify the registration form,

you could find a library that randomly generates a string, or you could use rand() or another way
mexicanred replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you Mnkras,
Sounds like programmer territory.
I am just quoting on a job so would only be needed if the job goes ahead.

Could you (or anyone else) let me know how much something like this would cost for a programmer to implement for me?

michaelmior replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you give more details on what you need? Sounds like it might be something I'd be willing to cook up in my spare time for free :)
mexicanred replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thanks Michael
Attached is a screengrab of the one I'm most familiar with. It's on the CPanel interface when you are setting up a new FTP user.
michaelmior replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you really need all those options? Not that it's necessarily that hard to implement, but it seems like it could be mega-confusing for users.
mexicanred replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I think you're right,
I think we just need it to generate a password from numbers and upper/lowercase letters.
No need for the checkbox options.

Let's keep it simple!
michaelmior replied on at Permalink Reply
I've been putting some thought into this, and I think the easiest way to get what you want would be to extend the form helper with a new type of password input.

Then you would be able to create a new external form which uses this input. Sound like it would work for you?
mexicanred replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, not sure what you mean.
I know HTML and CSS really well but programming is out of my league, and I am fairly new to C5.
I haven't done any external forms or anything like that and I haven't used the form helper.

Would I have to create the reg form outside of C5? Would it need to be a PHP form?

michaelmior replied on at Permalink Reply
I haven't done much with forms in C5, but it seems like the built-in form block doesn't have support for password inputs. This makes sense since if you're having a password for something, you probably want to do your own form handling.

The normal way to do this is to write a form in PHP using C5 helper functions and then save it as an external form which can be inserted as a block. This also allows you to define your own actions to take when the form is submitted, which is something you probably have to do anyway.
mexicanred replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for clarifying Michael.

Hmmm, still think it's over my head. I would need someone to create the form as well I think.

Never mind, I will load the quote a bit and see if they bite
michaelmior replied on at Permalink Reply
Good luck!
openly replied on at Permalink Reply
Mnkras is right there are a few ways to do this, changing the registration form and adding some PHP to add a password generator is not a big job as there is a lot of code out there that already does the job.

It can also be done a an Add-on so you dont have to worry about changing any core code. I dont think it would take more than a couple hours to do.
zoiig replied on at Permalink Reply
er, can I suggest something a little simpler? Javascript - (,, i.e. ) - there are a number of sources for "generate random text" using javascript that would be easier to put in place, customize and allow for front-end user modification without a lot of php knowledge. Keeping is simply means keeping it functional, and the more hands-on people can be the more they'll want to be part of concrete5.
mexicanred replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you everyone for all your advice regarding this.
It is very reassuring to know that there are so many people interested in offering their advice and services.
This project is on hold at the moment while the client makes a few decisions (as always!) and I'm carrying on with other work in the meantime.
Thanks again

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