Repair module for eCommerce?

Hi, I love the look and feel of the eCommerce addon for selling stuff, but the site that I am contemplating building with C5 will be primarily a repair business. I will sell a few items, so the sales part of eCommerce package looks great, but I am wondering if it could be modified (perhaps a custom job) to do repair tickets.

My business has to do with clients sending me their violin bow for repair, I fix it, and then ship it back to them. This is something that many players will do at least once or twice a year.

What I would like it to do is the following:
--have the registered customer generate an order (a "repair ticket") that the system does not process the billing until after I complete the job.
--track repair history (like order history) so the customer could see what and when was done.
--I'd like to implement a loyalty program (like a Starbucks club card) something like "buy 6, get one free..."
--I'd also like to have the ability to run a report that will notify me when the last time a client sent me their item for repair. This way, I can generate emails for clients that haven't had a repair in a set time frame (like 6 or 12 months). (Can the eCommerce package automatically generate emails?)

I have other things that I'd like to see in a repair addon to eCommerce, but this should generate enough discussion for now.

I've looked at different shopping cart systems and various (CRM) customer relationship management systems, and everything I see would be way overkill my my needs. However, if there is a better way to go about this (maybe some 3rd party application?) please feel free to make suggestions.

Thanks! Josh

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You probably guessed based on lack of responses here -- but this is not something that is possible with the eCommerce module (nor is there any other concrete5 module I'm aware of that handles this).

If this is a critical part of your website you might have to sacrifice C5's ease of use for a more heavyweight ecommerce solution such as OpenCart or Magento. As you said, these are probably overkill, but the only way to get the functionality you're looking for in concrete5 is to develop it yourself or have someone else custom build it (which would probably cost a decent amount of money as there are a lot of details to be managed).

Best of luck.

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
Possible but you are probably looking at around 15-25 hours worth of work to get something like this running for you.
Rehair replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks everybody for considering this. I've actually decided to work with another content management system, integrated with a slightly-customized version of Sunshop for the cart/customer management system.

I really C5, and will look into it again in the future for other needs.

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