Simple Image Block
but with captions, where the user can simply navigate from one image to another. The standard slideshow gallery block for C5 doesn't allow for navigation (not that I can see anyway). So... I used an iFrame and included the PHPslideshow app on a single html page then pointed the iFrame to that, which works fairly well however the client can't manage the contents of this through C5 does anyone know of a simple way to enable this in C5?
here's my attempt:
any help would be appreciated
thanks in advance
I just can't find anything that is that decent.
I just don't know how to create this so the client can manage it with C5? do you guys know a way to get this in-line navigation working?.. I have used the Lightbox plugin else where on the site tho as it does a perfect job cheers
like I did here for example:
let me know if you make a block of this or have a way to implement it simply as I am a designer with limited programming(CSS, XHTML, FLASH ACTIONSCRIPT)) knowledge.
1. First slide loads
2. Second slide fades in and first slide fades out.
3. "Texts/Links" change color to show which image you are on.
4. mouseover stops slideshow
5. mouseout resumes slideshow
6. mouseover an "Text/Link" will show the selected image (without fade, as fading will overload the script).
Build this on Jquery, which is integrated in concrete5 (I used the one in concrete5.2.1).
Modified the integrated slideshow script as the editor needed no adjustments.
The only thing is.. you can only load one every page, you can load multiple through your site, but just not more than one on one page. Will add this later on.
Let me know if you are interested and if I have time I will submit it somewhere to concrete.
I know nothing of jquiry other than following the simple instructions to install the lightbox block that was posted on another forum here but it sounds quit powerful.
If you have this script hanging around I would be very grateful for the help and would be glad to reciprocate with any design services you might need?
It's a block so place it in the "yourconcretedirectory/blocks" directory.
I hope you know CSS because you will need that to edit the code (if you want it to look different).
Have fun! and let me know if you like it.
ps. no have fun with the script, I don't need anything in return. I only made the slideshow block different ;)
CSS not a problem got that covered...
Will let you know once I've got it sussed...
Anyway... I rebuild the one I made for 5.3
I'm trying to learn more about programming blocks and I am trying to convert an old gallery to 5.3. I could definitely use some tips on where to start making changes.
Couldn't tell if you were saying you had rebuilt it or were going to. Will you be releasing it?
Many thanks
To change the appearance take the view.php file and somewhere in the middle CSS is defined. Change that to make it look like you want.
(It now is build specially for my work)
(You can only run one on each page)
Good luck and got any issues? contact me.