Concrete5 FAST loading sites ???

Hi all, I am in the process to re-built my website from scratch. So I am looking for a new CMS, and C5 seemes to have all the bells and whistles I need.
Except: speed.
Most of demo sites, templates demo sites, local C5 sites ( I tried it on my computer) , and many plublished sites are taking ages to load.
So my question is: does somebody can show me somewhere some examples of LIVE ACTUAL C5 sites that load FAST ??
Between 1 and 2 seconds MAX.
I don't want a lesson about hosting, or cache, or how to minifiy, or CDN....
I want to see FAST C5 websites.
Thank you for your time

stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Yaron

Here are a few sites with quick loading I have built
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Yaron,

The following sites load quickly:

With more aggressive optimization, like removing render blocking JavaScript and CSS, they would be even faster.
Elstud replied on at Permalink Reply
Beautifull websites !
Do you use specific deve or addon for labels on pictures >
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply

It looks like the pictures with labels use ThingLink and were added using the HTML block.
Elstud replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you MrK !
Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Hosted in Germany, loads from german location in about less than 1s
Same host, little over 1s

Both are without minification or CDN usage.
Yaron replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you to you all. I will check those carefully.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Here is another fast loading site for a multi-billion dollar company:

The site is using the latest concrete5 (8.3.2) and Varnish caching. Varnish caching makes the site behave like it is static HTML pages. Aside from the Varnish caching, it doesn't appear to be using any other special techniques for improving "perceived page load".

Even with aggressive caching, there are many techniques you can use to improve the "perceived page load". These techniques are focused on loading the critical assets needed to render the page and then asynchronously loading everything else. This makes the page appear to load near-instantly, even though additional files and assets continue to load in the background.

A fantastic example of optimizing for perceived page load is The Guardian.

For anyone with experience using concrete5 and Varnish, please share your experiences with setting it up. There are supposed to be certain steps required to prevent caching while editing the site.
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Reply
And I have to point out that the guys at weyerhaeuser were on a legacy Concrete5 install before and were so happy with it that they went through the trouble of having it entirely converted to the new Concrete5

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