Notification of Site Changes
Permalink 6 users found helpfulOn Jul 19, 2011 1:12 PM, "Concrete5 Community" <>
Download the attached file and unzip it, then place it in your site's top-level "libraries" directory (make sure you're just placing the file called "change_notifications.php", not the ZIP file and not an entire folder). You'll also want to edit that file to change the email "To" and "From" addresses (at the top of the attached file).
Then create a new file called "site_events.php" and add it to your top-level "config" directory. In that file, put the following code:
<?php Events::extend('on_page_add', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_add', 'libraries/change_notifications.php'); Events::extend('on_page_update', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_update', 'libraries/change_notifications.php'); Events::extend('on_page_delete', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_delete', 'libraries/change_notifications.php'); Events::extend('on_page_move', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_move', 'libraries/change_notifications.php'); Events::extend('on_page_duplicate', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_duplicate', 'libraries/change_notifications.php'); Events::extend('on_page_version_approve', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_version_approve', 'libraries/change_notifications.php');
I haven't tested this out so there may be some problems -- let me know if you run into any.
UPDATE: If you're using Concrete5.4.2 or later, scroll further down to see an updated solution that works for all situations.
The docs say "passes an additional page object", but I've never been clear.
Page Object ( [blocksAliasedFromMasterCollection:protected] => [cID] => 136 [attributes:protected] => Array ( ) [error] => [pkgID] => 0 [cPointerID] => 0 [cPointerExternalLink] => [cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow] => 0 [cFilename] => [cDateAdded] => 2011-07-02 18:25:17 [cDisplayOrder] => 0
Check out my event tester, it logs all items returned by events you specify,
on_page_version_add event, not sure when that was added,
Best Wishes,
Deen Foxx
I wonder if it will be possible that the user (people looking at the website) can be advise if any changes on the pages.
I mean :
- 1: they subscribe entering their email.
- 2: email send dynamically to the USER database
- 3: the define('CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TO', XXXXX) in change_notifications.php is dynamically filed in
Hope i'm clear.
Thanks in advance
Attached are 2 files. Unzip them, and place the "change_notifications.php" file in your site's top-level "libraries" directory, and place the "site_events.php" file in your site's top-level "config" directory.
Then edit the "change_notifications.php" file and put in the appropriate email address that you want notifications sent to (up at the top of that file).
Those files are really helpful, but I do want to ask about the "from" email address.
You've got "define('CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM', '');" included in the change_notifications.php file, but I don't understand what address should go in there. If c5 is automatically generating this email, is the "from" necessary?
Maybe I don't understand fully how email in c5 works. If I'm running a test site on localhost, how would I need to set up the site's email ability to test this change notification email functionality?
(Sorry for the newb questions)
EDIT: Just to add, I have placed those files in the appropriate folders and made some page changes, but nothing is showing up in the logs. I'll get notification in the logs that c5 attempted to send an email when I send a private message between accounts, but nothing when I make changes to pages. Am I doing something wrong?
There are some blocks and other functionality in C5 that don't ask for a "from" address, but it's just using the email address of the admin account in that case.
As for your other question about the emails not being logged -- are you receiving the emails at all? I'm not sure why those wouldn't show up -- I would double-check in your dashboard, I think Sitewide Settings -> Email, make sure it's enabled for the site.
For example, say I have a user Bob that is making changes to a few pages. Is it possible to have the emails generated pull Bob's email address from his user information and include it as the "from" in the change notification emails? Likewise, if user Jim comes in and makes other changes, the emails would contain his email as the "from"?
In my Sitewide Settings > Email, I've got Default PHP Mail Function selected, and in the Mail Importers section, the only one I have listed is Private Message (which is enabled). I don't see a way to add another mail importer (if that's what I would need to do). And I don't currently have a mailserver actually set up (I've just created a test site on localhost), so I'm relying on the logs to tell me if the system is trying to send an email or not.
As for the email problems, I'm not really sure about that -- should work just fine as this code is using the built-in C5 emailing functionality. Do other system emails work (like if you ask to reset your password, or if you add a Form block to a page and put in an email address to be notified of submissions and then submit a test form?). I think this is a fairly common issue so I'd search the forums for other threads that might help solve it.
Regarding the email issues, I haven't yet tried to take any actions that would generate system emails, so I'll start down that path and see what I can turn up. Thanks again for all the info and direction.
I checked my system emails (for forgotten passwords, and for forms that notify someone via email of responses) and both of them show in the log (errors, obviously, saying that SMTP authentication is required).
But I'm still not getting anything in the logs when I add or change a page. Just FYI... might be something worth paying attention to.
Thanks again for the info and assistance. I'm going to dive back into the forums and see if I can learn more. :)
UPDATE: This is bizarre. Nothing was showing in the logs when I would add a page, update a page, anything. So I installed mnkras' Event Tester addon to test the events and make sure they were firing. I added and updated a page... nothing. Then in the Event Tester, I added the "on_page_add" event (even though it already exists as a default in c5) and went through the process again. Boom. Suddenly, the logs show email attempts for the add, update, and approve page events, just as defined in your files, Jordan.
I'm not sure what happened, but I'm glad it did. Now to try and set up a mailserver on my localhost (maybe).
Maybe the system had cached the prior version or something and didn't register the change for a bit?
Oh well, glad it's working now. Best of luck with your explorations.
Without the new page version object and previous page version object I'm not sure how to accomplish this.
Anyone any thoughts?
Check out the "VersionList" class as the bottom of concrete/models/collection_version.php, for example. Might be other useful functions in concrete/models/collection.php and concrete/models/page.php as well.
Sent from my iPhone
I finally have this functionality working (though I'm still waiting on my company's IT to help out with the Exchange issues, it works fine via Gmail). I've got a new question, though.
In the files that you provided, you have all change notifications in a single file (and all of the ChangeNotifications class). That's clearly useful if you want to use the same email header and to/from addresses when notification emails are generated. But I'd like to be able to use different email headers for different events.
I assume that I can create individual change notification files for individual events (for example, an add_page_notification.php file and an approved_page_notification.php file). Likewise, I also assume that I would have to edit the site_events.php file to point to those individual files - something like this:
Events::extend('on_page_add', 'ChangeNotifications', 'on_page_add', 'libraries/add_page_notifications.php');
My question is whether I would have to create a new class in each of those individual files, or if I could continue to use the ChangeNotifications class? If I had to create the new class (e.g., "AddPageNotifications"), would that name go in the appropriate event line in the site_events.php file - as in the following?
Events::extend('on_page_add', 'AddPageNotifications', 'on_page_add', 'libraries/add_page_notifications.php');
Sorry if these are beginner-type questions, but the only PHP I know is what I've seen in these forums over the last 2 weeks. :)
If you look in the change_notifications.php file, you'll see a bunch of repetitive code that responds to the 6 or 7 different events, and they all call another function down at the bottom of the file called "send". The "send" function gets the message passed to it by each event but always uses the same to, from, and subject.
But we can modify the send function so in addition to getting passed the message, it also gets passed a different to, from, and subject for each call. Then you can manually set those for each different event.
Here's the code (just overwrite the entire contents of the change_notifications.php file with this code):
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); class ChangeNotifications { function on_page_add($page) { ChangeNotifications::send($page, 'A new page has been added to your website.', ',', '', 'Website Updated!'); } function on_page_update($page) { ChangeNotifications::send($page, 'A page has been updated on your website.', ',', '', 'Website Updated!'); } function on_page_delete($page) { ChangeNotifications::send($page, 'A page has been deleted from your website.', ',', '', 'Website Updated!'); } function on_page_move($page, $old_parent_page, $new_parent_page) { ChangeNotifications::send($page, 'A page has been moved on your website.', ',', '', 'Website Updated!'); } function on_page_duplicate($new_page, $current_page) {
(note that you'll want to click the little "View entire code block" at the bottom right of that code to see the entire thing)
As I put this code into place and tested it, I did come across something else I'd like to fix, if possible.
My users won't have permission to approve edits, so they can't publish documents. This impacts the URL that is included in the email message to the supervisors. For an existing document, it's no big deal since the existing document has been published once before and has its URL. But if they are publishing a new document, the only URL included in the body of the message is "http://localhost/concrete/" which does the supervisor no good if he doesn't know what document he needs to review.
Is it possible to instead pull the page name or page alias into the body of the email message? Additionally, is it possible to pull the name of the page owner (in the case of newly added pages) or the last editor of a page (in the case of edits to existing pages) into the email? If at all possible, I'd love to be able to tweak these emails to read something like...
"The (ABC123) document in the company's document library has been updated by (Jimbob) and is awaiting review. Please login to the document library and review the document."
It would be great to keep the URLs in there, but a URL just pointing to the home page of the site doesn't really help as much.
Here's how to get the page name:
$name = $page->getCollectionName();
And here's how to get the username of the page author:
$author = $page->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName();
Note that the above code only gets the username of the person who most-recently edited the page, not necessarily the original author of the page. I think that's what you'll want for this situation, but just in case you want to always get the very first original author of a page, you can use this code:
$author = Page::getByID($page->getCollectionID(), 1)->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName();
Good luck!
Do I need to include those variables as parameters in the function? I'm reading through some tutorials on php and javascript, but haven't come across similar examples just yet.
I'll keep searching and update if/when I discover something that will work (or at least make sense to me).
Took me a bit, but I got that working, too!
Thanks again, Jordan. Your help in this has been incredible.
To add a page title and the username of the changer to your notifications, you can modify Line 42 of change_notifications.php to:
$msg .= "\n\n" . BASE_URL . View::url($page->getCollectionPath())."\n\n Page: ".$page->getCollectionName()."\n\n Whodunnit: ".$page->getVersionObject()->getVersionAuthorUserName();
I have another question regarding the change notifications, if you have a moment to answer it.
I've discovered that the code you provided that should get the username of the person who most recently edited the page isn't quite working in the way you suggested. It's actually getting the name of the person who performed the next-to-last edits.
Apparently, on_page_version_add has two arguments... Page Object and Collection Version Object. For some reason, that code is getting the username from the Page Object (i.e., the existing author's name) instead of getting it from the Collection Version Object (i.e., the name of the person modifying the page and creating a new version). Is there a way to modify that code to check that the version is most recent before getting the username? Or maybe the code could get the name of the user that checked the collection out?
I've attached the log to hopefully illustrate what I'm talking about.
If you do get it figured out, please post back to this thread for future reference.
Good luck.
EDIT: For future reference, looks like John finally got this figured out. See here:
before I started receiving email alerts... not sure this is mentioned here or in the how to.
Basically, I want to disable notifications for my user account.
In the change_notifications.php file...
I loaded the 'userinfo' model, verified the 'userID' of the logged in user, wrapped the ChangeNotifications class in an 'if' statement checking that the userID was not equal to my userID. Works perfect.
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); define('CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TO', ''); define('CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM', ''); define('CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT', 'Website Changes Made!'); Loader::model('userinfo'); /* Loads the Concrete5 userinfo model */ $u = new User(); /* Sets the new user to a variable */ /* This first if statement should wrap everything that a user has to be logged in to do. */ if ($u->isRegistered()) { $ui = UserInfo::getByID($u->getUserID()); /* Gets the users info based on their userID and sets it to a variable */ $userID = $u->getUserID(); } if ($userID != 1) { class ChangeNotifications { function on_page_add($page) { ChangeNotifications::send($page, 'A new page has been added to your website.');
How can this be achieved.
If you would like I can build it for you for some $.