W3c Validation and Target _blank
PermalinkI always remove these and add in the rel method for the sites we create as we try to keep the sites W3C valid(on the front end at least) we use XHTML and am wandering what Concrete5 long term aims are with regards to html/xhtml?
For anyone else wanting to look at implementing the rel='external' without the need for the target attribute.
you would need some javascript to achieve this.
// There is no target attribute in HTML 4.01 Strict. // This script hunts for links that are either to a different website, PDF or have the attribute rel='external' // and pops them open in a new window $(function() { var h = window.location.host.toLowerCase(); $("a[href^='http']:not(a[href^='http://" + h + "']):not(a[href^='http://www." + h + "']), a[href$='.pdf'], a[rel='external']").click(function() { window.open($(this).attr('href')); return false; }); });
We are progressively moving our sites to html5 but so many of our clients use ie6/7 that much of our efforts often mean resorting to images/script to achieve the same results. It's nice to see your heading down that route.
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