Core Block Override within Package
PermalinkI've added a blocks/content/editor_config.php file within my package directory, but it doesn't seem to be picked up like a traditional override in the root. Am i missing a step, or is this functionality just not available?
If not, are there any suggestions on how to achieve these kinds of overrides with a add-on?

This is the method in /concrete/libraries/loader.php line 109
public function element($file, $args = null) { if (is_array($args)) { extract($args); } if (file_exists(DIR_FILES_ELEMENTS . '/' . $file . '.php')) { include(DIR_FILES_ELEMENTS . '/' . $file . '.php'); } else if (file_exists(DIR_FILES_ELEMENTS_CORE . '/' . $file . '.php')) { include(DIR_FILES_ELEMENTS_CORE . '/' . $file . '.php'); } }
I came across this trying to override header_required.php in a package. Never really came up with a solution I felt was good for it.
By the way, you're Facebook block tutorial was one of the first things that really helped me when learning to make blocks. Thank you for making that.
I'm glad you got something out of the facebook tutorial, I really need to revisit that one though, facebook completely changed their api and I'm not even sure if that code still works!