Displaying form's name (surveyName) issue
PermalinkRight now I'm in the middle of modifying controller.php for Form Block. The aim is to show form's name grabbed from surveyName field right before printing the form.
In order to obtain this I've changed loadSurvey() C5 code as follows:
function loadSurvey( $qsID, $showEdit=false, $bID=0, $hideQIDs=array(), $showPending=0 ){ //loading questions $questionsRS=$this->loadQuestions( $qsID, $bID, $showPending); if(!$showEdit){ echo '<table class="formBlockSurveyTable">'; echo '<tr><th> </th><th>'; echo $this->surveyName; echo '</th></tr>';
Everything is renedering as expected except for
echo $this->surveyName;
What am I missing? I'll appreciate any hint or advice you might offer.
Thank you in advance for your help.