Edit panel not showing when hovering over edit
Permalink 1 user found helpfulI have a problem with a website that was originally working fine, but now seems not to be working correctly. We are not sure at what stage the error happened, but we think has occurred since installing and uninstalling a few packages (we tried three different form packages). However, as we have had a number of people working on the site we cant be sure at what stage the error was introduced.
Basically if I mouse over the edit button the edit panel does not appear.
I can get the edit panel to show by then going to mouse over the dashboard (at which point both the edit and dashboard panels show). This only happens if I mouse over the edit button first.
The other thing to notice which is a bit odd, is that the dashboard panel is not formatted correctly, which looks like a CSS issue
In order to see the issue I have uploaded a video to Vimeo. Seehttp://vimeo.com/75080145
If I actually go into the dashboard all work fine, and the rest of the editing functions work fine.
We are running version and this has not been updated.
We have replaced the core.
We have isolated any CSS from our theme.
We have cleared the cache.
It looks to me as though this could be a javascript error, BUT with the dashboard panel not looking right it could be CSS? Or a combination of both.
Although we are reasonably technical, we are not coding experts by any stretch of the imagination, so we are looking for some pointers of where to look, or some procedures to carry out in order to find the problem.
Any tips would be appreciated.
I guess the fact that we removed packages may well of caused this to happen.
I did look through the links you posted, BUT I am not totally clear on the solution.
If you can let me know the exact fix, then I will see if my tech guy can sort it out for me.
Many many thanks for pointing this out.
The environment I have is:
# concrete5 Version
# concrete5 Packages
Formidable (1.2), Pro Blog (11.9.7), reapit (1.0), twitter feed (1.0).
Just for clarification, the packages reapit (1.0), twitter feed (1.0) are our own packages.
# concrete5 Overrides
blocks/newproplist, blocks/quicksearch, blocks/footericons, blocks/search, blocks/content, blocks/slider, blocks/branchstaff, blocks/autonav, blocks/tharchive, blocks/footermap, blocks/leftsidenav, blocks/newsletter, blocks/servicebar, blocks/social, blocks/problog_list, single_pages/blogsearch.php, themes/waterfords
# Server Software
Apache/2.4.6 (Unix)
# Server API
# PHP Version
Would updating to a later version be the right thing to do here?
Many thanks
I have been looking at why is actually happening using developer tools.
It seems to me that the reason this is happening is that the "ccm-edit-overlay" is contained within the "ccm-dashboard-overlay"
Mousing over the dashboard ("ccm-dashboard-overlay") triggers the "ccm-dashboard-overlay-core" to show.
If I mouse over the Edit button this triggers "ccm-edit-overlay" to show, but because it is contained within the "ccm-dashboard-overlay" it is not showing.
If I mouse over edit first (hence triggering it), and then the dashboard, the edit panel shows because both are set to show.
I have attached image to demonstrate.
Now I think we have isolated where the issue is (I think), does anyone know why it has happened...or more importantly how to fix it?