Eliminating extra page?
PermalinkMy site seemed to be running very slowly, so I used websiteoptimization.com to evaluate it. What was taking up the most space was a page of script that doesn't appear to have any use. Is there a way to delete it? Or is there hidden use?
See page:
Is it possible to compress it?
That is the compressed one :) this is the un-compressed onehttp://goo.gl/uJlLpz (v1.10.2) although this is newer than the one Concrete5 uses, they are of a similar size.
I asked simply because the report stated that "Up to 60820 bytes could have been saved through compression" for that specific page.
Thanks for the insight.
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That's the concrete5 copy of jquery, if you delete that more or less everything will stop working, Concrete5 relies on jquery.js for a huge chunk of its functionality.