Exclude page from nav in hardcoded autonav
PermalinkI am really thrilled by this CMS, it's brilliant and well modularly coded.
But as you can imagine, I have got some issues as a newbie to concrete5.
I hard coded the autonav in my template like this:
$bt_nav = BlockType::getByHandle('autonav');
$bt_nav->controller->displayPages = 'second_level';
$bt_nav->controller->orderBy = 'display_asc';
$bt_nav->controller->displaySubPages = 'none';
How can I possibly exclude a certain page from this autonav ?
I can't even find the attribute "exclude from nav" in the non-hard coded autonav (running concrete5
Is there anybody who can give me a hint ?
Thanks a lot in advance.

Thanks for your answer.
Unfortunately, I don't have such an option, albeit I read about it in many places.
All I have is this:
Exclude From Page List
Exclude From Search Index
Exclude From sitemap.xml
Link not clickable
Exclude from Internationalization Copy
I wonder why I don't have this "exclude from nav" option, since I run the latest release.
Where can I find this option ?
Thanks again for a hint.
pureTest (aka noRiddle)
you can find the option at dashboard/pages/attributes/ under Navigation and Indexing.
If it's not there, you are able to add this attribute as checkbox with the handle 'exclude_nav' and it should work.
That did it, thanks a lot, was almost desperate not to be able to find this attribute in the list.
I had already created a new attribute "hide_from_nav" and added this to the view.php of autonav:
But why invent the wheel again ;-)
Thanks for your help,
really appreciate it.
pureTest (aka noRiddle)