Page Type Default Advanced Permissions

I am having some trouble with this, hopefully I can articulate my problem. I don't know if it is a bug or something I am doing wrong. I have advanced permissions turned on. For the sake of explaining here is how my site map looks.

----Something Happened(Article)
----Something Else Happened(Article)

I have created the a user group "Managers". Here is what I am trying to do:
1. "Managers" can edit every page. (Easy)
2. On the News Page "Managers" can add a page of the type "Article".(Easy)
3. Articles can not have pages of any type added to them.(Problem)

My advanced permissions tell the News page to allow Managers to add Articles but for Sub pages to inherit the Page Type Default Permissions. In my Article Page Type Default Permissions I set it to where Managers could not add any type of sub pages but could READ, WRITE, and APPROVE. This does not seem to take effect even after I clear the cache as the Manager can still add pages but only the page type of Article. It does not seem to matter what page type is selected in the Article Page Type Default Permissions. It seems to just inherit from the parent page. If I turn off Write, the permissions work but obviously I am left with the problem of Managers not being able to edit the newly created Article. I hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance.


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