Transfer Content from Theme to Theme

Hello all!

I'm using Concrete for some time, and I love it! I have a little issue, which I hope could be solved.

The thing is I have a current theme with content in it, and I've made another theme on the same DB (I mean on the same server / site) and when I apply it to the page I lose all the content. Is it possible to get the old content (from the blocks) from the other theme to the new one?

Thanks all for your time and replies!


planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
You need to check to see if the content areas match. Look at your old theme for areas like I've shown you below (specifically the word ContentArea) and then make sure those areas are also in your new theme.

   $a = new Area('ContentArea');

Your old theme might not have an area called ContentArea, but it may be called somthing else. Just make sure to use the same names from the old in the new one.
brance replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey planist1.

Thanks for the tipp, I've tried that, but the thing is it works on the homepage, but on all subpages the content just wont show up.. Does it have to do with the Page ID or something else?

planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Check your page types. You might have other pages in your root/themes/yourtheme folder that might call different names.
brance replied on at Permalink Reply
Oooh! Yeah right, now I got it.

Sure, I've used other page_types for the different themes. But where are the default.phps of the page types that I created stored?

The thing is for the old theme, where the content is, I made the page types over the dashboard option, on the new theme I'm making them from scratch (make a new php file).

Do I need to create the same page types for the new theme with the same handler now or can I somehow extract the page types php files from the old theme?

planist1 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
The basic structure of each page type (unless you are using single pages) is located inside your root/themes/yourtheme folder.

Take a look at the attached screen shot. The three files indicated by the red arrows are all different structures used. This is where the code is. Mind you, you may not have the other.php file, it might be called something else. You should have at least the default.php and view.php, any other .php files in the root/themese/yourtheme folder are probably other structures you need to look at.
brance replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just checked and the new them only has the page_types of the old theme. It gets some contnet out but the wrong.

I made a new Leistungen.php file inside the root folder of the new theme and now there are two same page types but with different handlers. I guess if I delete the old Page_type and set the handler on the new created page type the same, the content should be placed in the new page type?

I just don't understand why the new theme has the old page types in it if these are theme-bound not concrete-bound, if you understand what I mean with that...

Thanks again for your time, I really appreciate it!
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes as long as the new page has the same content area name.
planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
And you can actually delete page types.
brance replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay. So this scenario would go right:

1. Remember page_type handlers
2. Delete all page_types
3. Create new page types with the same handler name (can I chose another name for the page type then?)
4. Add inside the new created Page Type just the same Area name as on the old, deleted, page type.

That would be it, right?

planist1 replied on at Permalink Reply
First (as always, back up your data) :)

Then yes, give it a shot!
brance replied on at Permalink Reply
Hahah good one!

Yeah, you saved me, thanks again! Have a nice day/night.


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