Win some karma by building this installer for Ubuntu

Guys who run Ubuntu reached out to us with their new package installer thingie ma-doodle and would love to have concrete5 available on it.

Kinda thing we'd love for the continued growth of the project, but takes us away from other stuff to do our selves. It's worth 2,500 karma points to whoever gets it done, and a pat on the back and call out on totally random - I'll even send ya a t-shirt. ;)

Here's some info:

1) What is a charm?

2) How to write your first charm?

3) A tool to help write charms faster (will be incorporated into point 2 shortly)

4) How to publish your charm to the charm store

You can write a charm in any language that can be executed from the command line, bash, java, python, php, puppet, chef, etc. Three things are really important:
1) Juju's power lies in instant integration and scaling. Adding a lot of relationships with existing charms makes sure that people can instantly integrate Concrete5 so if you support memcached, postgres, cassandra, Hbase, etc. in addition to MySQL then add those relationships.
2) Scaling is key. Make sure people can scale Concrete5 by just adding units and putting a load balancer in front. Inside the charm you can use a peer relationship and as such pass information between different Concrete5 instances. This allows you to set-up shared file systems, P2P file systems, etc. or anything else that your solution needs to transparently scale. Take away the hard part of scaling for the user.
3) Now show the world that Concrete5 can instantly integrate and scale by creating a bundle. This week we will add our bundle feature to the official release [currently in QA]. A bundle allows people to instantly install your blueprint high-available solution via drag-and-drop or by sharing a single file. We shortly will add a one line command to bootstrap juju and install a bundle, hence you could tell customers: "juju quickstart concrete5HA.yaml" and they would get a HA blue print solution deployed in minutes on any cloud or server.


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