Concrete 5.8.2 Class 'finfo' not found
PermalinkClass 'finfo' not found Details G:\inetpub\wwwroot\\concrete\vendor\league\flysystem\src\Adapter\Local>.php(311): Whoops\Exception\ErrorException->null
public function getMimetype($path) { $location = $this->applyPathPrefix($path); $finfo = new Finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); /*This is Line 311*/ $mimetype = $finfo->file($location); if (in_array($mimetype, ['application/octet-stream', 'inode/x-empty'])) { $mimetype = Util\MimeType::detectByFilename($location); } return ['path' => $path, 'type' => 'file', 'mimetype' => $mimetype]; }
finfo is a PHP extension.
Depending on your web hosting, there may be an area in the hosting control panel to enable it. If not, you may need to contact your hosting technical support and ask them to enable it for you.