Download the site frome the server none of the links work and the images have disappeared
PermalinkI copied the site to my local machine from the server. I copied into a direcotry under the www directory of my wamp server, and changed the site.php properties as such:
define('BASE_URL', 'http://localhost');
define('DIR_REL', 'my_folder_name');
I restored the database and created the user with the same name and password on the server.
When I visit the site I see the first page's contents but all the formatting (images/css) is missing and any link that I click on is broken. Is there another setting that needs to be modified?
Thanks in advance,
The problem is that I cannot log into the dashboard. I am not able to navigate to the login page.
Thank you,
lead to nowhere? Is that correct?
define('DIR_REL', '/my_folder_name');
(20024)The given path is misformatted or contained invalid characters: Cannot map GET /TGS/%3C?=$this-%3EgetThemePath()?%3E/images/bar.png HTTP/1.1 to file, referer:http://localhost/TGS/
Thanks in advance,
It seems this is a windows apache bug, but there are some solutions. Perhaps your theme code simply has a windows specific error in it.
Seems from the error your theme has php short codes in it, which may not be compatible with you wamp install. I would check header.php, and change the <?= to <?php.
get to the dashboard and run all your maintenance jobs and rebuild the tables.
See if that helps. Sounds like everything else is fine.