How to fully backup my site?
PermalinkMy question is how to accomplish this:
"Also backup the files and directories
The database backup is not a complete backup of a site. You will also need to backup all the files and folders. In particular, the /files/ directory will change when files are uploaded and needs to be backed at the same time as the database so that database indexes to the files are consistent. How you backup files depends on your web host and what control panel or shell access is provided. At its simplest, you use an ftp program to download the file and directory structure. However, this will be a bit slow and creating a zipped backup on the server will be faster."
I use FTP all the time, and I would have no problem making an FTP backup. If I do so, is it version dependent on concrete?
My problem is that I have a site that will not upgrade properly.
If you can access the filesystem in cpanel or similar, you'd want to clear your cache in your concrete5 site, zip up your entire webroot and save it locally and perhaps in a directory on the server named backups or similar that is up from webroot directorywise or otherwise inaccessible so someone can't literally download your entire site :).
There are ways to do this with some shell scripting and things but it isn't anything that could be included in concrete5 core as it wouldn't work on a lot of shared hosting providers.