Suggestion: Multilingual Package

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I'm not a programmer but I will try to bring a constructive suggestion.

I definitively believe, that some of you can come up with an add-on package, that allow to insert a block in a page-type (links or flags), so it keeps the value in a variable of the selected language and point the user to the appropriate language section in the Sitemap. Let me try to explain my vision of a Multilingual Package...

1- have an initial language value (by default); ex.: english

2- In the Header of any page-type, the possibility to insert a block with the flags/links of the languages:
[EN] [ES] [FR]
each links or flags show the complete name (tooltip) of the language;
ex.: cursor over [FR] show : Français

3- When the user select a language, the value is kept in a cookie (established as the Homepage by default) and show his respective language (in the sitemap, it would be a sub-page under 'LANGUAGES'; ex. : [ES] or [FR]; one ot these would be defined as the homepage user selection.

So the sitemap would be:



The FORM in the Multilingual Package would have something like this:
1. Select a language: [dropdown menu]
2. [ ] show only the flag
3. [Add] [Cancel] [Save]

1. predefined language:
ES - Spanish
FR - Français
Réf.: [url][/url]

2. when the user want only flags icons

3. Buttons

The result is shown after the user click the 'Add' button (in ajax probably); ex.:
[ES] 'delete link'

The user wants to add another one, he select another language in the dropdown menu and click the 'Add' button.
When he's done, he click the 'Save' button or exit without saving through the 'Cancel' button.

I will take the french language [FR] as an exemple. So here it is:

When the user install the Multilingual Package:
- It create automatically in the Sitemap the page 'LANGUAGES' with these properties: Exclude from Nav, Exclude from Page List, Exclude from Search Index;

- When the user add the french language through the form, it make a copy of the 'Home' page (in english in this case), rename it as '[FR]', place it as a sub-page under 'LANGUAGES', and copy automatically all the pages except those in section 'LANGUAGES' (in this case: Blogue, Contact), so it can be translated after by the user);

- It assign also to the [FR] page and his sub-pages a special attribute (or something else) that automatically link to the same language for every blocks or packages installed (fr_FR;; so when the user will translate these pages, it will only be the french language for the blocks/packages already there, and when he add new ones it will show in french only;
In brief, the 'FR' page and her sub-pages will permanently be confined to french language only.

- Any pages in the Sitemap that is moved under '[FR]' sub-page will automatically get a global french attribute that confine it in showing french only (blocks, packages, toolsbar, propreties...)

Naturally, this is just a suggestion and hopefully will be put somehow in concrete shape for the benefit of all that need it. Only together we can make it happen!


Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
5.4.x final gonna have multilanguage (zend::translate) afaik
LarsNorgaard replied on at Permalink Reply
Sweet news Fernandos, how far away is version 5.4 ?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
im goin with a week or 2
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you tell us more about it?

And what about this new add-on Package:

Man, will it really come true?

Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
ynme, another student had to create this for his project, but it's supporting bilingual atm only. Am going to help there.
Styves replied on at Permalink Reply
It's already done by Patrick Thibaudeau; but still need to be approved; he made this Package through and said that you can always adapt the code for your needs:

It may help you, no? It's free!
Just send him a PM, he will probably glad to share with you.

lukebis replied on at Permalink Reply
this link doesn't work for me...
there appears the logon form, but I'm still loged in? whats going wrong there??
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
This is because it hasn't been approved for the marketplace yet.
Metaglyphics replied on at Permalink Reply
Any ETA on when this might be released?
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
it didn't get approved, because it's not from the core-team and thus it could result in more complication than simplification in the long term. So if a user installs that package and has problems they would blame c5 for that. (It's only bilingual anyway, so..)

That's why the core team is building a better multilanguage system.

I don't know any eta. Sorry.
That's why I don't post my solution too.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
if patrick wants to realease it out into the wild he can do freely, you can contact him on his profile:

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