Multilingual site
PermalinkI would like to make Http:// into a Multilingual site but I am unsure how to go about doing it and what add-on's are needed so I think that the best way to do this is to post it as a job for someone to do the languages I am looking at to start are
English (default) in with the content in for conversion
look forwart to hearing from you all
Here is a link to a walk-through class I did on Working with Internationalization:
I hope this helps,
The way this works is that effectively clones your sitemap and marks branches as different languages, meaning that translations are really additional pages to edit (instead of some hacky way of managing it). It also includes a block for a visitor to switch languages.
What I would suggest though is to set up a test version of concrete5, install this add-on and play around with it first - just to see how it works and how it will modify a site.
The only negative with this add-on is that your default language (English in your case), will end up being under /en/, and not at the root of the site anymore. I.e., this: