Make selected root page link point to first child in folder
Permalinkthank you in advance to anyone that takes the time to look at this.
I have a page structure that looks as follows.
-home/ -about-us/ -services/ -web-design/ -corporate-branding/ -print-design/ -portfolio/ -web-design/ -corporate-branding/ -print-design/ -client-login/ -contact-us/
Ok, so the pages that contain sub pages, such as portfolio for example, I have created the first child page and duplicated it on root page.
ie: portfolio/ is identical to web-design/ (portfolio's child) so that when you are in either one, web-design/ appears in the second level sub-nav.
I know, long explanation... What I am trying to achieve is basically to have the root link (portfolio/) actually point to web-design/ (first child) while still keeping portfolio/ as the root link for display of auto nav purposes.
I'll stop here, please let me know if this makes no sense and I will post a live example.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mnkras: Your idea certainly does the job but I think that will cause problems further down the line with certain nav styling as it is effectively faking the same outcome, I believe you would lose scalability over time doing it this way.
Pritam: The way you pointed to covers this perfectly and allows for future site scaling without any problems as you are not messing with the page structures in any way.
Thank you to both of you.
i don;t think concrete5 has sym links which is what you need, they do have the page path feature though (properties->pages and paths)