Editing Issue
PermalinkI'm developing a site on concrete5. In the initial stage of development I have added some blocks, placed few add-ons & write down css for the theme. But When I'm trying to edit blocks, it discards all the styles applied on that block. While adding or editing blocks, I've properly maintained the version. I'm trying to make my previous version active but don't get any results. I'm writing this post because the process occurs several time.
I'm getting frustrated with C5. I have spent 2-3 days with the same process & not get any improvement. I don't know, what happen with this. I'm using Concrete 5.4.2 as my required plugins are compatible with that version. I don't know whether it is my fault or C5's. But I need a proper help as I spent $500 till now for my project but don't get any fruitful result.
Please reply asap.
You can theme a block as well.
Or do you put the css in the theme and try to ad it to the block?
When I ad several themes to a block I make a themes folder in the block folder.
and so on.
The you click on the block and choose template