HTML Source Edit?

Hello, I'm completely new to concrete5 and webdesign altogether.. but I'm vaguely familiar with html coding.

However, in Concrete5, I have no idea how to find the editor for the html.. as in for the overall layout.

I've read up on the other forum topics as well as online, but I can't seem to understand. when I look underhttp://domain/concrete/themes/default/...

and I see the directories, I get an access denied message.

Please help asap....

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 is a server-side CMS, with that you really cannot or should not edit your HTML.

Open those directories in your file manager and edit the files there.

Here's quite a good how-to to help you go through with the process:
cryophallion replied on at Permalink Reply
To elaborate on Mainio, C5 "generates" the html. The system uses php (which currently mean "php: hypertext preprocessor, which is what it does) to generate the html code.

You won't find a place where the raw html you see in the source code lives. It is created piece by piece in a sense, so you have granular control over the little parts without having to know the ins and outs before getting started. This is a great concept, as you can play with different parts and create gorgeous sites just by using a couple of blocks.

Now, if you do want to just change some text, you probably need to look in the text or richtext blocks, which you can edit inline using the dashboard.

If you need more help, let us know.
BillboBagend replied on at Permalink Reply
Any ideas how this would work with something like Aptana Studio 3 live edit? I'm trying to move away from chrome for editing my css but without a set html for it to drive the css through there's no live edit possible as far as i am aware. Or am I missing something glaringly obvious?
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I use Notepad++ to edit my css files but it's not a 'live' edit. For the actual connection to the server, you can use Filezilla and set up the default .css editor to be Notepad++ so whenever you double-click a .css file (or .php, .txt, .html, etc) in Filezilla, it will open locally in Notepad++. When you save the file in Notepad++, Filezilla will save the file back to your server. Notepad++ also has an FTP plugin that lets you connect directly to the server (basically duplicating the Filezilla functions) however I find that it loses connection to the server every now and then which is frustrating so I end up using Filezilla most of the time. I still experiment with the CSS rules within Chrome and then when I settle on what changes I'd like to make permanent, I edit them in Notepad++.
BillboBagend replied on at Permalink Reply
I have used notepad++ and still do occasionally but I was hoping to shift to Aptana to simply keep my viewing, editing and ftp all in one program. I'm a sucker for efficiency over compatibility though so I might continue to use Aptana for another week or so and see how it fares.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Last evening, I set up "Sublime Text 2" with the SFTP package installed and it's corresponding Chrome extension called "Emmet LiveStyle". Once it's set up, you open a remote CSS file in Sublime Text and then you open the LiveStyle tab under Developer Tools and 'map' the CSS files to those you have open in Sublime Text. After all this, any changes you make in Sublime Text show up immediately in your browser and you are free to save the remote CSS file at any time. It takes about 30 minutes to install and set up these 2 programs the first time but after that, things open and connect very fast to provide a 'live edit' environment.


UPDATE: I just discovered that with this setup, changes you make to the CSS while in the Dev Tools of Chrome get injected into the CSS you have open in Sublime Text so when you save the CSS file, those changes are incorporated. A very bi-directional editing experience. Also, Sublime Text 3 works as well and seems to save the files back to the server much faster.
BillboBagend replied on at Permalink Reply
This sounds like something worth investigating, thanks for the advice! I will try out the demo version and it's extension this evening, sounds very promising!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I think Sublime Text 3 is free because it's currently in beta but you better check.

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