Images not showing in TinyMCE suddenly
Permalink<img src="/concrete5/index.php/download_file/-/view_inline/9/" alt="office1.jpg" width="494" height="480" />
When the block is saved, the images becomes visible and the path is corrected.
It has worked correctly but suddenly this problem occurred.
What's causing this? Is it some kind of setting?
I'm using version
Any assistance would be appreciated.
To fix the problem, go to yoursite/concrete/controllers/download_file.php and find the function view_inline(). Modify it to use ob_clean() to wipe out any unwanted characters. See the code below:
Please note that this is a direct fix to the core file itself. You may want to copy the download_file.php to yoursite/controllers and make the modifications there to make the override "the right way".
I'm still not sure where the empty space came from, but I noticed it by adding die("---"); to the start of the view_inline() function and checked the source code.
In /config/site.php I needed to remove any extra spaces
fingers crossed anyone else getting similar problems will be able to implement one or both of these 'fixes'
<img src="/concrete5/index.php/download_file/-/view_inline/9/" alt="office1.jpg" width="494" height="480" />
Any idea anybody?