Layout Questions...
PermalinkThis question was prompted in part after noticing that when a layout is added to an area, any existing content is automatically converted into a layout as well; so in effect, the first time to add a layout to an area, you actually create 2 layouts.
Also, there seems to be no way to "revert back" to having no layouts in an area. Is this correct, or am I overlooking something?
Thanks for any help or insights,
An area can have multiple layout sections (grids/segments). Each layout section has multiple sub areas (one for each column).
"Also, there seems to be no way to "revert back" to having no layouts in an area. Is this correct, or am I overlooking something?"
At this point, you're right. You'd have to copy each block to the bottom area, then delete each layout section. We've talked about having a prompt when you go to delete a layout, that asks "what do you want to do with this layout's blocks", to which you can answer "move to parent area" or "delete them". This would let you just got through and delete each layout section, automatically returning all blocks to the primary area. This will probably be coming in a later release of concrete.
Layout or Page Type?
Should layouts only be used for single pages / one-off pages as layouts can't be added to the default page template? Or, should we design a new page-type with multiple areas hard coded into the html of that particular page type?
Since the original area content is automatically converted to a layout, perhaps the proper way to handle layout deletion when there are only 2 layouts remaining is to automatically delete the last remaining layout and move its content to the area. Again, this would be done automatically "behind the scenes" when the 2nd-to-last layout is deleted.
Just a thought...