RSS on Facebook
PermalinkSorry if this seems a simple question but someone has told me I can add a blog from a Concrete5 site to appear in Facebook.
Cool I thought so I hopped over to Facebook to have a look. They provided simple instructions on what to do so I thought I would give it ago.
They asked me to provide a link over to my sites blog which I did but they then told me the URL was invalid and they were unable to find a feed.
I am a total noob when it comes to RSS so I was wondering if anyone could give me a quick heads up on the link.
I am currently using which is being rejected.
I am using the Simple Blog block and I have RSS enabled on the page and have the RSS icon.
Any help for an old fool appreciated
You do seem to have identified the right link as it works in Browser feeds with no problem.
Sadly Facebook is just not playing the game and I may need to fiddle with my FB settings.
Thanks again.
Also trying to add Twitter so will let you know when I get there.
Ok I think I have cracked it.
The big issue here is the security settings of the Facebook account you are trying to add the blog to, there must be no restrictions on who can access the account or else Facebook will reject the feed.
In my hunt I also came across a company that will add your blog to a Facebook and Twitter feed,
I have not used them but they may be worth ago if you want to blog out to both.
Hope this info helps.
Looks like twitterfeed may well be the way to go for me :)