why wont concrete 5 save my changes????

so Im simply trying to change the color of the existing template background but the editor wont save the changes.

the existing template is the greek-yogurt template and all im trying to do is change the ugly pastel green to a tan.

i choose edit-right click the background and choose inspect element-choose resources and click on the typography.css file-then choose edit and change the color in the code.

there is no save option and when i exit the editor it goes back to the pastel color. I've tried this multiple times with no success. I also tried to go into my host and download the typography.css file, change it in dreamworks and then upload it which also is not successful.

does anyone have any suggestions because right now if changing the background color is this hard it's back to using wordpress for me.

hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Copy the theme from


to your root /public_html/themes directory

Make the changes to the typography.css file there

Clear your cache and your background should be the color you changed it to.

This also prevents your changes from being overwritten when you update Concrete5.
theteewarehouse replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your reply I will give that a shot. Does the same apply for changing the size of an element as well?
hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Which element are you referring to?
theteewarehouse replied on at Permalink Reply
the space above the title as well as removing the text and such from the footer and a few other elements i'm sure as I delve into this and wind up deciding to modify

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